Le statut de membre institutionnel de la SEDI est ouvert à toute personne morale ou organisation souhaitant contribuer à la réalisation des buts de la Société. Il existe deux types de membres institutionnels : Premium et Standard. Les frais et avantages liés au statut de membre institutionnel varient en fonction du statut choisi.

Les membres institutionnels sont généralement des éditeurs, des écoles ou départements de droit, ou des institutions à but non lucratif, comme par exemple des instituts de recherche. La Société peut proposer également des partenariats sur mesure – en termes d’opportunités publicitaires par exemple – à des cabinets d’avocats, des entreprises ou d’autres institutions désireuses de parrainer les activités de la SEDI.

Pour devenir membre institutionnel ou renouveler votre adhésion à la SEDI pour l’année 2024:

1. consultez notre brochure 2025 destinée aux membres institutionnels

2. remplissez le formulaire d’adhésion 2025

3. renvoyez-le au Secrétariat de la SEDI

Pour toute question, veuillez contacter le Secrétariat de la SEDI.

Membres Institutionnels Premium

Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

Im Neuenheimer Feld 535,
69120 Heidelberg (Germany)

Tel.: (+49 6221) 482 – 1
Fax: (+49 6221) 482 – 288
Go directly to their website at: mpil.de

Go directly to their website at: law.ku.edu.trlaw.ku.edu.tr

The Hague Academy of International Law

Go directly to their website at: hagueacademy.nl

Carnegieplein 2,

2517 KJ The Hague


Tel: +31 70 302 4242

Go directly to their website at: law.ku.edu.trlaw.ku.edu.tr

Membres Institutionnels Standard de la SEDI

Asser Institute

Go directly to their website at: asser.nl
Special Offers:

T.M.C. Asser Press and their partner Springer are pleased to offer ESIL members a 20% discount on all T.M.C. Asser Press (and Springer English language) eBooks.
Click here to order your books and enter token ESILDiscount at checkout to receive the discount.

Oxford University Press

Great Clarendon Street,
Oxford, OX2 6DP (UK)

Tel.: +44 (0) 1865 556767
Fax: +44 (0) 1865 556646
Go directly to their website at: oup.co.ukoxfordjournals.org

Brill | Nijhoff

Go directly to their website at: brill.com

Brill | Nijhoff is a prestigious imprint dating back to the nineteenth century. Brill | Nijhoff’s portfolio focuses on areas in Public International Law, Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and increasingly on International Relations. Its annual publication program consists of over 20 journals, 20 annuals and some 120 new book titles. Its back-list comprises of over 2,000 titles.

Cambridge University Press

University Printing House,
Shaftesbury Road,
Cambridge, CB2 8BS,
England (UK)

Tel.: +44 (0)1223 326053
Go directly to their website at: cambridge.orgjournals.cambridge.org
Special Offers:

ESIL members can now benefit from a heavily discounted personal subscription to the International & Comparative Law Quarterly. To obtain an annual online and print subscription for £75/$98 ESIL members should email journals@cambridge.org and request the European Society of International Law discount rate.

Foley Hoag

Seaport West
155 Seaport Boulevard
Boston, MA US 02210-2600
tel: 617.832.1000
fax: 617.832.7000

TECH Global University

Go directly to their website at: www.techtitute.com

TECH is the world’s largest online university. With an impressive catalogue of more than 14,000 educational programs available in 11 languages, it is positioned as a leader in employability, with a 99% job placement rate. It is officially recognized in several countries in America, such as TECH University (Mexico), TECH University FUNDEPOS (Costa Rica), etc. as well as in Europe, highlighting TECH Global University (Andorra) and TECH Technological University (Spain).

TECH counts on an enormous teaching staff of more than 6,000 professors of the highest international renown. These are professors, researchers and top executives of multinational companies, including Isaiah Covington, performance coach of the Boston Celtics; Magda Romanska, principal investigator at Harvard MetaLAB; Ignacio Wistumba, chairman of the department of translational molecular pathology at MD Anderson Cancer Center; and D.W. Pine, creative director of TIME magazine, among others.