2017 EUI Academy of European Law Summer Courses

2017 EUI Academy of European Law Summer Courses

The Academy of European Law (AEL) holds two summer courses each year, on Human Rights Law and the Law of the European Union.

The two summer courses – featuring distinguished lectures, a general course, and a series of specialized courses – are open to advanced students of law or related fields, academics, lawyers, and practitioners.

The Human Rights Law course will focus on the implications of globalization for human rights, and comprises a General Course on 'Human Rights and Experimentalist Governance' by Prof. Gráinne de Búrca.

The Law of the European Union course will explore new approaches to studying the Court of Justice as well as the implications of the UK’s decision to leave the EU, and comprises a General Course on 'The UK outwith the EU and the EU without the UK' by Prof. Michael Dougan.

The 2017 summer courses will be held at the European University Institute in Florence on the following dates:

  • Human Rights Law: 19 June – 30 June 2017
  • The Law of the European Union: 03 July – 14 July 2017

The programmes are available online and the call for applications is open.

Deadline for applicants: 20 April 2017.

Learn more and apply.