9th Martens Summer School on International Law

9th Martens Summer School on International Law, organized by the University of Tartu in Estonia, will take place online on 26-30 July 2021.

Application deadline is 25 May 2021 and the study fee is 50 EUR.

In 2021, professors teaching in the summer school include Mykola Gnatovsky (Kyiv), Iulia Motoc (Strasbourg; Bucarest), Alex G. Oude Elferink (Utrecht) and Martins Paparinskis (UCL, London). The course director is Lauri Mälksoo (University of Tartu) and the co-director Dr Alexander Lott (Tartu and Tromso) will hold this year’s Martens lecture.

For further information, see https://oigus.ut.ee/en/summer-school/2021 or contact martens.summer.school@ut.ee .