Call for Applications | 2022 Program of Advanced Studies on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (IN-PERSON in Washington, D.C)

American University Washington College of Law’s Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is pleased to announce the 2022 Program of Advanced Studies on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. Offering a robust program that includes 17 courses in English and Spanish, and bringing to you the top human rights experts in the field. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn, in real time, from experts that are actively addressing the most relevant and current issues in the human rights field. Participants will also network with mid-career professionals, human rights defenders and activists, and law students from all over the world!
The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is an important referent in the world in topics of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and it is the only Academic Institution in the US with programs in English, Spanish and Portuguese. American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL), International Law program is ranked #6 among all the law schools in the country according to U.S. News & World Report. AUWCL has also been featured as the best schools for diversity and International Law, and in 2021 received the A+ ranking in International Law from preLaw Magazine.
Follow links below for more information on courses, professors and registration.
Fill out the survey:
*The program will also have online offerings for those unable to come to the in-person program.
*U.S. students seeking ABA credits can also enroll! Please contact the program for pricing at
This announcement is from the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University Washington College of Law, an ESIL Institutional Member