Call for Papers: 2016 International Junior Faculty Forum

Call for Papers: Ninth International Junior Faculty Forum

Sponsored by Stanford Law School and the University of Pennsylvania Law School, the International Junior Faculty Forum (IJFF) was established to stimulate the exchange of ideas and research among younger legal scholars from around the world. The IJFF is designed to foster transnational legal scholarship that surmounts barriers of time, space, legal traditions and cultures, and to create an engaged global community of scholars. The Ninth IJFF will be held at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in late September or early October 2016 (the exact date has not yet been fixed).

Papers may be on any legally relevant subject and can make use of any relevant approach: they can be quantitative or qualitative, sociological, anthropological, historical, or economic. The host institutions are committed to intellectual, methodological, and regional diversity, and welcome papers from junior scholars from all parts of the world. Please note, however, that already published papers are not eligible for consideration. We particularly welcome work that is interdisciplinary

The due date for abstracts is Friday, January 15, 2016, although earlier submissions are welcome


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