Call for Papers | American Society of International Law International Courts and Tribunals Interest Group 2022 Works-in-Progress Conference


The International Courts and Tribunals Interest Group (ICTIG) of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) is pleased to announce a call for papers. ICTIG will be holding a Works-in-Progress Conference on Friday, February 3, 2023.  The conference will be entirely virtual and will be hosted by the UIC Law School in Chicago, Illinois.

Submissions on any topic related to international courts or tribunals are accepted.

Deadline and Submission

Please email an abstract (of 500 words or less) in Word or PDF format to The deadline to submit an abstract is January 6, 2023. Decisions will be made by January 13, 2023. If your paper is selected for presentation, please be prepared to submit a draft of your paper on January 20, 2023. ICTIG anticipates selecting between six and eight papers for presentation.


“Work-in-progress” means scholarship that has reached a stage at which it is substantial enough to merit serious discussion and critique but that has not yet appeared in print (and can still be revised after the workshop, if it has already been accepted for publication.)

The Conference

The accepted papers will not be presented by their authors at the workshop. Rather, each paper will be introduced and discussed first by a commentator before opening the discussion to the other participants. Each of the participants is expected to have read and to be prepared to discuss all the papers. Participants will be asked to serve as the commentator for one of the other papers. The author of each paper will be given an opportunity to respond and ask questions at the end.

Virtual Conference

This will be an entirely virtual conference.  All presentations and discussion will take place via Zoom meeting (or some similar system).  Participants will be provided more details before the conference.  There is no registration fee.


For any questions or inquiries please contact Professor Stuart Ford at