Call for Papers: Environmental Displacement in 2017 – Current Protection Challenges

Environmental displacement is a topic of growing concern, and one which will have a lasting detrimental impact on many areas of the world. This interdisciplinary workshop at the University of Sheffield aims to gather together researchers and practitioners in this area to engage in an intimate dialogue on issues such as migration as adaptation, wider human rights protection, the role of the UNFCCC framework for environmental displacement and migration, ethical considerations, and priority areas for future policy development and further research. create a friendly, informal atmosphere, the workshop will be deliberately small in size. Six junior researchers will be invited to present their research on this area. In the spirit of contributing to future research outputs, only works in progress will be accepted for presentation. Professor Walter Kälin (University of Bern), Dr David Cantor (Refugee Law Initiative), and Dr Ilan Kelman (University College London) will comment on participants’ papers and will also participate in a roundtable discussion at the end of the workshop.  

Papers will be circulated in advance so that the chairs and workshop participants will be able to contribute to a more fruitful discussion. There will also opportunities for informal discussion over coffee, lunch, networking drinks, and dinner. Thus the workshop will allow early career researchers to showcase their research, gain feedback from their peers and the wider academic community, develop networks, and identify opportunities for future collaboration. 

Abstracts (300 words) and a brief biography (300 words) should be sent to by Friday 24 March 2017.

The workshop is generously funded by the Migration Research Group, University of Sheffield; and the Sheffield Centre for International and European Law.

Date: Friday 16 June 2017

Venue: University of Sheffield.