Call for Papers, ESIL IG Event – International Economic Law and Security Interests Conference

On 14-15 November 2019, the Amsterdam Center for International Law and the International Economic Law Interest Group of the European Society of International Law will co-organise a conference on International Economic Law and Security Interests at the University of Amsterdam. Besides a roundtable on adjudicating the security exception, the conference will deal with the main areas of the topic over three axes: International Law and Security, including the history and interpretation of the security exception; Security Interests and International Economic Law, addressing the relationship between security interests and the legal regimes governing trade and investment; and Emerging Security Issues, to discuss the impact of emerging concerns, such as cybersecurity, food security and energy security, over the legal framework governing transnational economic relations.
More information can be found in the CALL FOR PAPERS.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 31 July 2019.