Call for Papers: European Investment Law and Arbitration Review

Call for Papers: European Investment Law and Arbitration Review

For the 2017 issue we are inviting submissions spefically focusing on recent awards and on-going disputes such as Yukos​, Philip Morris, Eureko  and Vattenfall
We also welcome submissions focusing on the Opinions and Judgments of the CJEU, such as on the EU-Singapore FTAMicula, which are expected to be delivered in early 2017.

Submissions should be in English and must be in conformity with the house style of the journal.

​The deadline for submissions is: 1st April 2017.

All submissions must be unpublished and original material.
​Submissions should be send as MS-WORD doc to:
​All submissions will be peer-reviewed.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept, reject a submission or make publication conditional on modifications, which have been suggested to the author.

Further information