Call for papers for a volume: ‘Migration Issues before International Court and Tribunals’
The Department of Law of the University of Naples “Federico II” and the Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development of the National Research Council of Italy are working jointly on the analysis of the link between Migration and Development. In the context of this cooperation, and following the publication of the collective volumes: Migration and Development: Some Reflections on Current Legal Questions, Rome, 2016 (open access at and Migration and the Environment: Some Reflections on Current Legal Issues and Possible Ways Forward, Rome 2017 (open access at, they have decided to issue a new call for papers for a volume on Migration Issues before International Court and Tribunals.
The volume is intended to analyze in detail the case law of international Courts and Tribunals on questions connected to migration and to migrants and to explore their contribution to the application and the development of legal rules on human migration.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 30 September 2018.