Call for Papers – Michigan Law School Junior Scholars Conference 2019

Michigan Law School Junior Scholars Conference 2019
University of Michigan Law School 
26-27 April 2019
The University of Michigan Law School invites junior scholars to attend the 5th Annual Junior Scholars Conference, which will be held on April 26-27, 2019 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The conference provides junior scholars with a platform to present and discuss their work with peers, and to receive detailed feedback from senior members of the Michigan Law faculty. The Conference aims to promote fruitful collaboration between participants and to encourage their integration into a community of legal scholars. The Junior Scholars Conference is intended for academics in both law and related disciplines. Applications from postdoctoral researchers, lecturers, fellows, SJD/PhD candidates, and assistant professors (pre-tenure) who have not held an academic position for more than four years, are welcomed.
To apply to the Conference, please send (1) an abstract of no more than 600 words reflecting the unpublished work that you wish to present; and (2) a copy of your CV to  by  12 January 2019.