Call for Papers Religion and Ethnicity on the International Bench
Call for Papers: Religion and Ethnicity on the International Bench
On 4 and 5 October 2018, the third and final conference in the Identity on the International Bench Series is taking place in The Hague, organized by the PluriCourts Centre of Excellence, Oslo University.
The aim of this conference is to analyse when and how adjudicators’ identity and, in particular, features relating to religion and ethnicity (including race, language, culture, ancestry and membership of minority groups, among other) may affect the composition of international courts and tribunals, as well as judicial reasoning and decision-making.
The conference will also investigate whether the prevalence of certain religious and political backgrounds, ethnic identities and languages, may also have implications for the perceived legitimacy of the international adjudicatory process itself.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 18 July 2018
For more information, please feel free to contact: Prof. dr. Freya Baetens