Call for Papers: Special issue of the Brazilian Journal of International Law on International Investment Law
Call for Papers: Special issue of the Brazilian Journal of International Law on International Investment Law
The Brazilian Journal of International Law invites submissions for a special issue on International Investment Law to be published in August 2017. The issue will be edited by Professors Hervé Ascensio (School of Law of Sorbonne, Paris), Catharine Titi (CREDIMI, University of Burgundy / French National Centre for Scientific Research) and Nitish Monebhurrun (University Centre of Brasília).
Submissions on all aspects of International Investment Law are welcome. The following non-exhaustive topics can be considered for submissions:
1) the interaction of International Investment Law with other fields;
2) international Investment Law and regional integration;
3) the execution of arbitral investment awards;
4) the duties of investors and corporate social responsibility;
5) International Investment Law and the public interest;
6) international financial institutions and International Investment Law.
Deadline for submission: 31st May 2017.