Call for Papers: The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Inaugural Launch Issue & International Conference on ISIS and Implications for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (June 2016)

The editors of the Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (AYBHRHL) and Koninklijke Brill NV Publishers invite submissions for the Inaugural Launch Issue of the Yearbook.

The Launch will take place at an international conference due to take place in London during June 2016.

The Yearbook is especially interested in contributions focusing upon ISIS and the impact on  human rights and humanitarian law.  More generally submissions are welcome on a wide variety of human rights and humanitarian issues including those focusing on contemporary socio-economic, legal and political developments impacting upon human rights and humanitarian law within Asia and globally.  The Yearbook would also welcome submissions based on theoretical perspectives on human rights and humanitarian law with specific relevance to Asia.

Important Dates:

Submission of General Articles and Recent Developments for Volume 1: 5 March 2016

Submission of paper conference abstracts: 5 March 2016


Further information