Call for papers The EU and the Crisis of the International Liberal Order A Systemic Crisis?

The EU and the Crisis of the International Liberal Order: A Systemic Crisis?
Geneva Transformative Governance Lab (GTGLab), Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva
4-5 April 2019
The workshop aims to analyse the ongoing multi-dimensional crisis of the international liberal order (ILO) and overlapping crises in the EU as a systemic crisis. The major themes to be covered with respect to both the crisis of the ILO and the EU “overlapping crises” include trade wars, environmental challenges (and global warming), migration, and rise of populism, Brexit and the decreasing legitimacy of international institutions. Selected papers’ publication is planned in GSI Working Papers and a Special Issue of Global Affairs Journal.
PhD Candidates and Post-Doctoral Researchers from various backgrounds (International Relations, International Law, European Studies, EU Law, Economics, Development Studies) may submit paper proposals.
Call for papers.
Please send your paper proposal (no more than 500 words) to by 10 December 2018.