Call for papers – Young Researchers Workshop: ‘Beyond TTIP: A New Season For EU FTAs?
In the framework of the Jean Monnet Network ‘LAwTTIP – Legal Ambiguities withstanding TTIP’ (, the King’s College London Centre of European Law (CEL) invites submissions for the 1st Young Researchers Workshop.
This four-days’ workshop, which will be held in London on 17-20 October 2018, will consist of a training school for young researchers and doctoral students who will have an opportunity to discuss their work with highly regarded scholars and publish a short paper in a dedicated issue of the LAwTTIP working paper series. The Workshop will also provide the opportunity to the young researchers working in the same field to create ties and share ideas and experiences.
The Workshop has a small and intensive format. Each participant will prepare a paper related to the topic of the EU FTAs, with specific focus on investment protection. The oral presentation of the papers will be followed by a group discussion that will help the young researcher to write the final version of her/his work.
Deadline for submissions: 9 September 2018