Call for Submissions | Special Issue of the University of Oxford Human Rights Hub Journal


The University of Oxford Human Rights Hub Journal now invites submissions for a Special Issue.

Proposals should consist of three to five papers that address a topic of high current interest in the field of international, regional, comparative or national human rights law. Each submission should be in the range of 10,000 to 12,000 words. The guest editors for the Special Issue should, through the extension of invitations to authors, attempt to advance the goal of supporting diversity of authorship and perspectives, including diversity with regard to gender, race, disability, geography and otherwise underrepresented groups.

Proposals should be submitted via email to and should consist of the following:

  1. An outline of 400-800 words explaining which topic the Special Issue addresses, why it is desirable to devote a Special Issue to this topic and how the papers form a coherent collection.
  2. A proposed table of contents, listing the preliminary titles of all papers, an abstract (approx. 200 words) for each paper, and a bio (approx. 50 words) for each contributing author.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 12 April 2024. The editorial board endeavours to review all proposals by 15 April and all those that have submitted a proposal will be notified.

The University of Oxford Human Rights Hub Journal (U OxHRH J) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal on human rights, dedicated to advancing the study of international and comparative human rights law. It publishes the highest levels of scholarship tackling the most pressing and challenging human rights issues and offers critical insights into current issues, debates and global trends.