Call for Papers – 15th Brazilian Congress of International Law

The Brazilian Academy of International Law invites Professors, Researchers, Students and Professionals from the law and international relations fields to participate at the 15th Brazilian Congress of International Law (CBDI) and submit

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Seminar on Transitional Justice and Social Justice

The Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) is delighted to invite you to the Seminar on Transitional Justice and Social Justice on June 8th at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. The seminar will explore

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Utrecht Summer Schools 2017 (1) Water Law, (2) Public International Law, (3) Law of the Sea

Utrecht Summer Schools 2017: (1) Water Law (2) Public International Law (3) Law of the Sea     (1) Utrecht Summer School 2017: International, European and Domestic Water Law. Location:

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Symposium United Nations Security Council and the Sea

Symposium: 'United Nations Security Council and the Sea' The symposium is organized by the Centre de droit international EDIEC-Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 together with the Association pour la promotion du droit

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Seminar Series Topical Issues in Investment Arbitration

The Research Centre on Procurement Law and International Investments (CREDIMI) (French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) & University of Burgundy), in association with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, organises a

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International Workshop Cognitive Sociology and International law

International workshop: Cognitive Sociology, Culture, and International Law. iCourts (Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen) is pleased to announce the Third Workshop on the Sociology of International Law to take place on 28-29

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Istanbul Center of International Law – Summer School on Law of Sea

Law of the Sea on the edge of Bosphorus Summer School is dedicated to the law of the sea which regulates the activities of States and their interactions regarding maritime

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