Conference: The Future of Trade Defence Instruments
Conference: The Future of Trade Defence Instruments – Global Policy Trends and Legal Challenges
A conference jointly organized by the University of Passau, the Europa-Institut Saarbrücken, the Institute of European and International Economic Law & the World Trade Institute – University of Berne, and Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP.
Date: 30-31 March 2017
Venue: Brussels, Belgium
This conference is being organized against the backdrop of envisaged important modifcations to the European Union’s Trade Defence Instruments. The conference will (i) analyse Trade Defence Instruments in their socio-economic, political and legal contexts; (ii) describe the changing international environment, in particular as regards the WTO framework; (iii) look at the EU rules as they exist today, seven years after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty; and (iv) consider the envisaged changes to such rules. Finally, the conference will (v) contrast the EU’s Trade Defence Instruments with other related legal instruments, such as competition law or regional trade agreements. In this context the implications for the future relationship with the UK after Brexit will also be analysed.
Further information and programme
Further information, registration and assistance with hotel reservations can be requested until 15 March 2017 by sending an email to the following address:
Please state the following in your email: Name, Given Name(s), Academic/Professional Title(s), Institution, Address, Registration Fee Category.
The total number of participates is limited to 80, requests for participation will generally be accepted, at the discretion of the organizers, on a “first come, first served” basis.