Conference The Legacy of the League of Nations

University of Leicester
31 January 2019
The conference will assess the legacy of the League of Nations and the role of its successor, the United Nations, as a driving force for the development of international law.
- Dr Omer Aloni (Tel-Aviv University and LMU Munich)
- Punsara Amarasinghe (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa)
- Felix Behnke and Maurus Wollensak (University of Hamburg)
- Dr Philip Burton (University of Manchester)
- Dr Richard Collins (University College Dublin)
- Prof. Jean d’Aspremont (University of Manchester)
- Dr Rossana Deplano (University of Leicester)
- Sean Morris (University of Helsinki)
- Prof. William Schabas (Middlesex University)
- Dr Rose Sydney Parfitt (University of Kent)
- Prof. Nicholas Tsagourias (University of Sheffield)
- Prof. Nigel White (University of Nottingham)
- Dr Ewa Zelazna (University of Leicester)
The full programme of the conference can be found at
Online registration at
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