Flux EJIL: Talk!

  • China’s Duties to Prevent and Redress the Human Rights Impacts of the Belt and Road Initiative juillet 26, 2024
    China’s massive Belt and Road Initiative continues to expand its project financing activities to around 147 countries in the world as of this writing. This exceptional global footprint, undertaken primarily through sovereign lending or sovereign-driven financing, puts China in a privileged position of international responsibility to ensure respect, protection, and fulfillment of human rights in […]
    Diane Desierto
  • The ICC’s take on aggregation of intensity in Al Hassan case juillet 25, 2024
    On 26 June, the Trial Chamber X (the Chamber) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) handed down its ruling in the Al Hassan case. The judgment was keenly awaited by those concerned with armed groups’ governance (see here and here) and gender persecution. However, the Chamber was also expected to lay out its views on […]
    Lizaveta Tarasevich
  • Interview of the former President of the ICC, Judge Piotr Hofmański juillet 24, 2024
    On 13 March 2024, a few days after completing his term as President of the ICC, I conducted the following interview with Judge Piotr Hofmański.  It was a wide-ranging conversation which has been edited and condensed for publication. Former ICC President, Judge Piotr Hofmański (Photo: International Criminal Court) I begin by asking Hofmański what led […]
    Edward Haxton
  • The Occupation of Gaza in the ICJ Palestine Advisory Opinion juillet 23, 2024
    As I noted in my first post on the ICJ Palestine AO, the Court has held that the law of occupation, at least to some extent, continues to apply in Gaza. In this post I will examine the Court’s holding and reasoning more closely. Readers will be aware that the question whether Gaza remained occupied […]
    Marko Milanovic
  • The Prohibition of Annexations and ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on the Occupied Palestinian Territory juillet 22, 2024
    The International Court of Justice issued its much-anticipated advisory opinion in Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem on July 19, 2024. It is a blockbuster opinion, and a sweeping defeat for Israel. With it, the Court confidently asserts a powerful role in determining […]
    Ingrid Brunk
  • Announcements: Inadvertent Negligence in Criminal Law Conference; Perspectives on Willful Blindness and Mistakes of Fact Workshop; CfS Terrorism and Belligerency Workshop juillet 21, 2024
    1. Criminalising Carelessness: Inadvertent Negligence in Criminal Law. The Research Group “Criminal Law Theory” at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security, and Law is organizing a conference on the topic of inadvertent negligence in criminal law. The conference will take place from 29 – 31 August 2024 in Freiburg/Germany. For further […]
    Mary Guest
  • ICJ Delivers Advisory Opinion on the Legality of Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian Territories juillet 20, 2024
    Yesterday, the International Court of Justice delivered its groundbreaking advisory opinion on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. (The Court’s opinion and all of the individual opinions of the judges are available here.) The bottom line of the AO is that the […]
    Marko Milanovic
  • Olympics 2024: The litmus test for the future role of international sport in times of war juillet 19, 2024
    As the Moscow Times reports, ‘only 16 Russians and 17 Belarusians have accepted invitations to compete under a neutral banner at the Paris Olympics’. While this may sound like a deliberate decision, the reality is that the ‘Individual Neutral Athlete Eligibility Review Panel’ (INAERP), appointed by the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Executive Board in March […]
    Patricia Wiater
  • Environmental Procedural Rights at Risk? Inadequate Financial Contributions Threaten to Undermine the Aarhus Convention juillet 18, 2024
    From 2-4 July, the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention met for the 28th time in the UN Headquarters in Geneva. The agenda featured critical topics such as access to justice, public participation in international forums, the protection of environmental defenders, compliance cases, capacity-building, and possible topics of future work. However, one […]
    Nicola Sharman
  • Assistance to a Countermeasure in International Law juillet 17, 2024
    In recent years, States have begun to discuss and assess whether and when they may cooperate in the taking of countermeasures. The question has arisen most prominently in debates about the application of international law to cyber operations in light of the fact that cyber-capabilities vary significantly among States, making some more vulnerable to malicious […]
    Miles Jackson