ESIL IG on International Environmental Law – Conference: ‘Health, Environment, Food and Risk Regulation focus on: Good Governance, Intellectual Property Rights and Consumer Protection’
On the 4th December 2017 the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies and the Center for Studies in European and International Affairs (CSEIA) of the University of Parma (Italy) will host the Conference Health, Environment, Food and Risk Regulation focus on: Good Governance, Intellectual Property Rights and Consumer Protection.
This Conference is jointly organized by the ESIL Interest Group on International Environmental Law, the American Society of International Law (ASIL) Interest Group on Intellectual Property Law and gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom).
Registration to the Conference is mandatory and, due to organisational reasons, is to be made no later than 30 November 2017 by sending an e-mail to the Organising Committee ( with the following information: participant’s name, surname, professional affiliation and telephone number.