IG on International Courts and Tribunals | “Taking Stock – A Roundtable Discussion on the Public Hearing in the ICJ Climate Change Advisory Proceedings”

The ESIL Interest Group on International Courts and Tribunals organised a roundtable discussion that brought together experts who closely followed the two week hearing held by the International Court of Justice in the Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change advisory proceedings. What have we learned from these two weeks of pleadings from dozens of states and international organizations? What legal arguments were given the most prominence? What issues received inadequate attention? The discussion provided opportunities to reflect on whether participants in the hearing managed to strike an effective balance between describing the gravity and scope of the problem and advocating for specific legal responses. Ultimately, did these historic proceedings help to identify any type of emerging consensus on questions of climate justice, and what can we now expect from the Court?


• Yusra Suedi, Lecturer in International Law, University of Manchester; Coconvener, ESIL Interest Group on International Courts and Tribunals
• Michael A. Becker, Assistant Professor of International Human Rights Law, Trinity College Dublin; Co-convener, ESIL Interest Group on International Courts and Tribunals


• Caroline Foster, Professor of International Law, University of Auckland
• Danilo B. Garrido, Legal Counsel, Greenpeace International; DPhil
Candidate in Law, University of Oxford
• Corina Heri, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Zurich

The webinar was held on Monday 16 December 2024, 11:00-12:00 CET.

The recording to the webinar is now available on the ESIL YouTube channel here.