IG on International Law and Technology | Book launch – “Drones and International Law A Techno-Legal Machinery”

The ESIL Interest Group on International Law and Technology held an online Zoom roundtable as a book launch of “Drones and International Law: A Techno-Legal Machinery” by Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi, published by CUP in 2023.
The event, chaired by the IG Convener Stefania di Stefano, took place online on Monday 26 June 2023 with the participation of the author Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi (University of Manchester), Gina Heathcote (SOAS University of London), Klaudia Klonowska (University of Amsterdam & Asser Institute) and Khalil Dewan (SOAS University of London).
The recording of the event is now available on the ESIL YouTube channel here.