IG on the EU as a Global Actor and IG on Migration and Refugee Law | Joint Colloquium

The ESIL Interest Group ‘The EU as a Global Actor’ (IG EUGLOBAL), in partnership with the Interest Group on Migration and Refugee Law (IG MigRefLaw), organise an online workshop on 7 November 2024 (Thursday) on The EU as an (Imperfect) Global Actor in Search and Rescue at Sea? – EU (in)Action in Troubled Waters. The event will address various facets of search and rescue (SAR) of people in distress at sea. The topic lies at the intersections of various branches of international law and EU law, such as human rights law, migration/refugee law, law of the sea, and international criminal law.

The programme of the event is now available here.

Registration link: https://www.formdesk.com/universiteitleiden/online_workshop_7_November_2024
(please register for the event by 5 November 2024 [Tuesday])