IG on the Law of the Sea | Webinar on “The new BBNJ treaty – A preliminary assessment”


On Wednesday 19 April 2023 the ESIL Interest Group on the Law of the Sea, in collaboration with members of the ESIL Board, held a webinar on: “The new BBNJ treaty: A preliminary assessment”.

The roundtable participants were:

  • Gabriele Goettsche-Wanli (former Director of the United Nations Secretariat Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea)
  • Konrad Marciniak (Director of the Treaty and Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland)
  • Dire Tladi (Professor of International Law in the Department of Public Law, University of Pretoria and Member, International Law Commission)

The event was moderated by Efthymios Papastavridis, Gabriela Oanta, and Irini Papanicolopulu, members of the Coordinating Committee of the ESIL Interest Group on the Law of the Sea.

The recording of the event is now available here.