IG Workshops & Agora Panel Proposals – 2025 ESIL Annual Conference in Berlin | Calls for Papers
In the context of the 20th ESIL Annual Conference in Berlin, ESIL Interest Groups are inviting submissions for their workshops and agora panel proposals.
Please find the available calls for papers below:
- IG on the History of International Law: De-/re-)constructions of International Law over Time and Space (deadline: 15 January 2025)
- IG on Social Sciences and International Law: Interdisciplinarity and the (re)construction of international law (deadline: 15 January 2025)
- IG on International Legal Theory and Philosophy: On What Basis Should International Law be Reconstructed? (deadline: 15 January 2025)
- IG on International Criminal Justice: Reconstructing International Criminal Justice as It Unfolds (deadline: 1 April 2025)
- IG on the International Law of Culture: The Future and Past of ‘Progress’ in Cultural Heritage Law (deadline: 4 April 2025)
- IG on Migration and Refugee Law: De/Re-Constructing Asylum: New Actors, Processes and Spaces (deadline: 11 April 2025)
- IG on International Courts and Tribunals: Reconstructing the Advisory Function of International Courts and Tribunal (deadline: 28 March 2025)
- IG on Feminism and International Law: Feminist Visions for Reconstructing International Law (deadline: 15 April 2025)
- IG on International Business and Human Rights: Reconstructing International Law: Structural Shifts Under the UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights (deadline: 15 April 2025)
- IG on International Environmental Law: Reconstructing International Environmental Law Through Adjudication (deadline: 20 April 2025)
- IG on International Human Rights Law: The Reconstruction of Victimhood in International Human Rights Law (deadline: 20 April 2025)