ESIL Interest Groups on International Criminal Justice and the History of International Law are organizing an online roundtable on ‘History and International Criminal Justice’ on Wednesday 23 June, 3-5 pm CEST.

This online roundtable aims to put into conversation four scholars who have recently published monographs that engage in different ways with the relationship between history and the practice of international criminal justice. Building on insights from their research, the roundtable will examine this relationship from a diversity of angles, including a critical exploration of what the historical narratives constructed by international criminal courts reveal about their emancipatory limits and potential, how law’s relationship to capital might help make sense of corporate human rights and war crimes trials across space and time, the extent to which emotionally-charged rights discourses and anti-colonial histories shape conceptions of justice, and whether a ‘responsible history’ normative framework for international criminal courts is possible.



The recording is now available on the ESIL YouTube channel HERE