Webinar on 2020 A Year of Disasters in Review Legal Assessments under International Disaster Law

At the occasion of the launch of the Issue no. 2 of the Yearbook of International Disaster Law published by Brill, the Editors, in cooperation with the American Society of International Law Disaster Law Interest Group and the Jean Monnet Project DILAW4EU, are pleased to organize a webinar on ‘2020 A Year of Disasters in Review Legal Assessments under International Disaster Law’. The event will be held on 25 February 2021 (10:30- 13:45 CET).
This webinar will permit scholars and practitioners to provide a preliminary review of relevant practice in the area of International Disaster Law for 2020, a critical year for the International Community affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and other disasters, then part of the open-access Section ‘IDL in Practice’ of the YIDL.