The European University Institute, in cooperation with Roma Tre University, and with the support of the European Society of International Law, are pleased to invite scholars to attend a conference on ‘European Approaches to International Law in a Historical Perspective: Taking Stock of some Contemporary Appraisals’ that will take place online on Tuesday 11th May 2021 (14-16.45 CET).
This webinar aims to take stock of a series of recent publications adopting a critical and historical perspective to national approaches to international law in the European context.
The turn to history in international law has coincided with a heightened sensitivity to the need to explore international law from comparative and specific local/national perspectives. The intersection of these two movements has increased awareness of how national and local contexts have fundamentally contributed to shaping international legal rules, institutions and doctrines since the inception of the modern law of nations. It has also drawn attention to how the international dimension has influenced the conceptualization, interpretation and reform of law at the local/national levels, in light of the perpetual pendulum “between centre and periphery, between the international and the local”.
More Information and Programme HERE