AHRI Human Rights Conference: Call for Papers

The Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) calls for the submission of proposals for papers to be presented at the AHRI Human Rights Conference to be held in Copenhagen on 29-30 September 2014.

It invites scholars from across academic disciplines and thematic areas to reflect critically on the current dynamics in the field of human rights and to explore the various methodological and theoretical challenges in international human rights research today. Papers and panels exploring any of the above mentioned themes are welcome. Preference will be given to strong proposals that fall within one of the following five tracks, under which several panels will be organised:

  1. International Institutions and their Discontents;
  2. Development and Human Rights
  3. The European Union and Human Rights
  4. Human Rights and the “Other”
  5. Methods and Theories of Human Rights

Deadline for submission of abstracts and panel proposals is 1 May 2014. Submissions should be sent to ekni@humanrights.dk.
Further information and call for papers