Call for Papers – ESIL IG on International Economic Law

The purpose of the International Conference organized by the ESIL Interest Group on International Economic Law and St. Petersburg State University on 5-6 June 2020 is to analyze the special features of cooperation between BRICS countries, as well as to discuss the new ambitious initiative of “integration of integrations” and its possible role in the future architecture of international economic relations within the context of growing uncertainty around the multilateral trading system and the ongoing reform of international investment law.
The Scientific Committee of the International Conference “Groups and Spaces in International Economic Law: Focus on the BRICS Countries” launches a Call for Papers .
The papers shall address the topics relevant to the phenomenon of economic cooperation of the BRICS countries, including the following themes:
– BRICS as a special group in international economic law
– Institutional nature of the BRICS framework and documents: soft law v. hard law and the issues of information, participation and democracy
– Areas and methods of cooperation between BRICS countries
– International cooperation in financial matters: the BRICS experience
– Organizations of regional economic integration with the participation of BRICS countries and their cooperation (“integration of integrations”)
– China and the OBOR initiative: implications for other BRICS countries
– Dispute settlement issues in trade and investment matters relating to the BRICS countries (including the WTO, regional and bilateral relations).
All topics cover trade, investment and financial (including taxation) issues, and submissions on each of these areas of international economic law are welcome.
CALL FOR PAPERS (now closed)