ESIL Kraków-Leiden Online Symposium on ‘Exploring the Frontiers of International Law in Cyberspace’

The Kraków symposium will take place online on 4 December 2020. Further information will be announced shortly. Participation will be open to outside participants from interested students, academics and practitioners. 
In 2020, an ESIL symposium is co-organized by the Chair of Public International Law, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, and the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University, The Netherlands. The overarching topic of the symposium is “Exploring the Frontiers of International Law in Cyberspace”. The idea is to consider the challenges posed by cyberspace to traditional notions and areas of international law in light of the interconnectedness of global networks, our growing dependency on information and communication technologies and malicious behaviour by States and non-State actors.
• The Kraków event will focus on issues relating to responsible State behaviour in cyberspace and State measures to ensure the resilience of national networks.
• The Leiden event will focus on ensuring the protection of and respect for human rights online and consider the role technology can play in promoting sustainable development and environmental protection.
Call for Papers for the Kraków event: Ensuring Responsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace
Papers discussing any dimension of the topic of how international law regulates responsible State behaviour in cyberspace, taking both a theoretical or more policy-oriented approach, will be given serious consideration.
The organizers particularly welcome papers addressing one of the following sets of issues:
• Rules and norms of responsible State behaviour in cyberspace, in particular in the context of the new OEWG and GGE proceedings
• Western and non-Western approaches to international law in cyberspace
• The application of international humanitarian law to cyber armed conflicts
• Sovereignty in cyberspace; aspects of “digital sovereignty”
• State responsibility in cyberspace
• Individual and collective reactions to cyberattacks, cyber restrictive measures, countermeasures etc.
• Supply chain security and international trade law (vide 5G, Huawei, etc.)
• Extraterritorial jurisdiction (U.S. CLOUD Act, EU draft e-evidence regulation, etc.)
(The deadline for submission of abstracts has now expired).