Call for papers: ‘It takes two to tango. The preliminary reference dance between the Court of Justice of the European Union and national courts’

‘It takes two to tango. The preliminary reference dance between the Court of Justice of the European Union and national courts’
14 March 2019

Research Centre for State and Law, Radboud University 
Authors are invited to submit a paper that examines (one of) these questions, or related matters dealing with the preliminary ruling procedure and the relationship between national courts and the CJEU. Particularly welcome are:
– studies comparing several EU Member States or specific fields of law;
– in-depth single country studies;
– studies using a legal-empirical research methodology, e.g. interviews or questionnaires with judges;
– quantitative studies;
– practical insights from practitioners, e.g. judges, court clerks or lawyers.
An extended abstract (400-600 words) and a CV should be submitted for review by 1 January 2019 to Funds are available to cover part of the travelling and accommodation costs.

Call for papers