Yearbook of International Environmental Law volume 24 (2013)

 The editors of the YIEL are pleased to issue a call for contributions to the 2013 volume.

 Our call for papers covers topics that were on the agenda during 2013. We request articles of 10,000-15,000 words including footnotes to be submitted to Stacy Belden ( at the latest by April 15, 2014. Instructions to authors can be found here:

 In light of recent developments and the topics covered in past volumes of the YIEL, we have chosen the following topics for the upcoming volume:

 Developing international environmental law through international case-law. In recent years, environmental issues have increasingly been brought before the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and investment tribunals, including in particular cases concerning renewable energy and natural resources. We invite contributions that analyze how this case-law influences international environmental law. Contributions may also address cases submitted to other tribunals, in particular the Permanent Court of Arbitration.

 The follow-up from Rio+20? Chapter IV of the outcome document from Rio+20, “the future we want”, focused inter alia on reforming the institutional framework for sustainable development, including the strengthening of ECOSOC, the establishment of a high-level political forum to replace the CSD, the strengthening of UNEP, and the encouraging of further “clustering” of MEAs. These institutional reforms are starting to take shape. We invite contributions that analyze these outcomes in light of post-Rio+20 developments.

 Global regulation of chemicals. The Minamata Convention on Mercury was adopted on October 10, 2013. The institutional structure of the chemicals conventions has been reformed in recent years, and they have faced challenging decision-making regarding listing of chemicals in the annexes of the conventions. We invite contributions that discuss recent developments in the chemicals conventions and future challenges regarding their implementation.

 New governance models and international environmental law. Many recent initiatives relating to international environmental standards and norms now occupy a growing area of international environmental policy. These include, for example, voluntary partnerships announced at and subsequent to Rio+20, new or proposed environmental standards at UNDP, GEF, UNEP, the Adaptation Fund, the World Bank and other international organizations, and private initiatives by global corporations and other stakeholders. These initiatives have significant implications for the future development of international environmental law and governance. We invite contributions that discuss the implications of these initiatives.

 The Climate Change Negotiations: Run-up to Paris. The climate change negotiations are once again reaching a pivotal moment. The parties in Warsaw reached agreement on the rules for REDD+. Issues are also being raised in these negotiations that go beyond traditional mitigation issues. These involve climate finance, compensation for damage and loss, the future role of equity and CBDR in the negotiations, and adaptation. We would welcome contributions that add new perspective to the REDD+ developments or other aspects of the climate change negotiations.

 We encourage contributions from developing country authors that address perspectives from the Global South. In addition to the above topics, we welcome articles on any international environmental law topics of general interest.