ESIL IG on International Bio Law – Call for Papers: ‘International Bio Law and Universality: The Role of International Organizations and International Courts on this Field’
ESIL IG on Bio Law Workshop
The ESIL Interest Group on Bio Law will hold a pre-conference Workshop on “International Bio Law and Universality: The Role of International Organizations and International Courts on this Field”
Date: 13 September 2018 (in the morning)
Venue: University of Manchester, United Kingdom
This international workshop is focused on the relationship between International Bio Law and Universalization. ESIL-SEDI members working on Bio Law and related areas will be welcome to take part in this initiative. This workshop has two objectives: first of all, to show how International Organizations and/or international courts have permitted the evolution and progress of this field of International Law; secondly, this event will try to contribute to build bridges between some ESIL-SEDI Interest Groups dealing with common fields of interest. With this aim, we encourage you to participate in this International Workshop.
Submissions of Abstracts/ Papers
Please send all submissions (in word or PDF format, not exceeding 400 words), including a CV and via e-mail to
Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2018