Ateliers de groupes de réflexion à la Conférence annuelle 2022 à Utrecht
Dans le cadre de la 17e conférence annuelle de l’ESIL à Utrecht, les groupes de réflexion ESIL organiseront leurs ateliers le mercredi 31 août et le jeudi 1er septembre.
Veuillez trouver les thèmes des ateliers ci-dessous.
- IG on International Environmental Law: In/ex-clusiveness in the Energy Transition and Climate Action
- IG on International Economic Law: Civil Society and International Economic Law
- IG on International Law and Technology: Algorithmic and Technological Modes of In-/Exclusion – International Legal Method and Critique
- IG on Migration and Refugee Law: In/Ex-clusivity of International Migration and Refugee Law: The Rights Holders’ Perspective
- IG on Courts and Tribunals: De-formalizing the International Judiciary
- IG on the Law of the Sea: Law of the sea and its in/ex-clusiveness
- IG on International Criminal Justice: International Criminal Law and Transnational Advocacy: Problematising the International Penal Turn
- IG on Peace and Security: Peace and Security for whom? Inclusion and exclusion in international peace and security law
- IG on International Law of Culture: International Law of Culture in Armed Conflict
- IG on International Organizations: International organizations, elites, and masses: perspectives on in/exclusion
- IG on History of International Law: Histories of Inclusion / Exclusion in International Law
- IG on Social Sciences and International Law: Connecting social practices to legal outcomes
- IG on International Business and Human Rights: In/Ex-clusiveness through the lens of International Business and Human Rights
- IG on European and International Rule of Law: Sovereignty and the Rule of Law
- IG on Bio Law: In/ex-clusiveness of International Bio Law: actors, processes and outcomes