ESIL Lecture in Melbourne: Dianne Otto
‘Feminist Encounters with International Human Rights Law’
Friday 9 May 2014, 1.00 – 2.30PM
Lecture Theatre G08 Ground floor, Melbourne Law School, 185 Pelham Street Carlton
Celebrating the new Francine V McNiff Chair in Human Rights Law at Melbourne Law School IILAH will host a Public Lecture ‘Feminist Encounters with International Human Rights Law’ presented by Professor Dianne Otto, Inaugural Francine V McNiff Chair in Human Rights Law.
In this public lecture, Professor Otto will reflect on a number of encounters between feminism and the law in the context of international human rights law. These encounters have rarely been easy, despite an intuitive expectation that at least this body of law might be warmly receptive to feminist ideas. This uneasy relationship indicates just how difficult it is to change long-standing legal imaginaries of gender – even in a discourse that makes the highest claims to inclusivity. It will be argued, however, that this uneasiness might also be a sign of hope that the old certainties of gender are indeed under threat.
With introductory remarks by Professor Hilary Charlesworth, Professor of International Law and Human Rights, ANU.
This Public Lecture celebrates the new Francine V McNiff Chair in Human Rights Law at the Melbourne Law School and is organised by the Institute for International Law and the Humanities (IILAH).
The lecture is part of the ESIL Lecture Series and will be available for video viewing on the ESIL YouTube Channel after the event.