ESIL 2014, Vienna – Calls for Papers and Posters
2014 marks the tenth anniversary of the European Society of International Law and the ESIL 10th Anniversary Conference will be hosted by the University of Vienna and organised by its Law School’s Section for International Law and International Relations on 4- 6 September 2014.
The event will be a special occasion to look back at the development of the Society since its inaugural conference in Florence back in 2004 as well as to look forward to the decades ahead and the ways members would like international law to evolve and the ways they would like the Society to reflect those changes.
As at previous ESIL events, the programme will include plenary sessions and fora featuring invited speakers as well as agorae designed to share cutting-edge research in specific areas of international law and to stimulate debate. All agora speakers will be selected on the basis of abstracts submitted in response to the Call for Papers. For the first time at an ESIL conference, we also welcome submissions for poster presentations.
The conference will explore the interplay between international law and other fields of law and between international law and other disciplines and the invitation to submit papers and/or posters is extended not only to international lawyers but also to colleagues in other disciplines who might be interested in exploring the boundaries of international law and the bridges to other fields of law and indeed to other disciplines.
Further details about the conference on the conference website.