Call for Papers: Knowledge of the Law in the Big Data Age

The annual conference organised by the “Free Access to Law Movement” ( will take place in Florence on 11-12 October 2018 and will be focused on Knowledge of the Law in the Big Data Age.

The conference will be held in the Aula Magna del Rettorato dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze in the centre of Florence.

The deadline for submitting an abstract is 27 April. Further information can be found on the website of the Conference


Authors are invited to submit abstracts on a broad spectrum of research topics such as:

  • Free access to law by government and non-state actors
  • Facilitating community access to legal information
  • E-government, e-democracy and e-justice
  • Global development and state of implementation of legal standards
  • Big data and data analytics for and in the legal domain
  • Tools for supporting democratic participation and opportunities for digital democracy
  • Open data policies
  • Policy issues on the publication of case law
  • Challenges facing free access to public legal information throughout the world
  • Open access to legal scholarship
  • Restrictions of openness
  • Sustainable business model for free law
  • Digital preservation for legal documents
  • Communicating legal information: Visual law for improving public access to the law
  • Interactive and “intelligent” legal services and knowledge-based tools
  • Global interoperability and Linked Open Data in the legal domain
  • Data sovereignty and the responsibility for the data
  • Privacy and data protection, access to and dissemination of legal information
  • Knowledge acquisition techniques for the legal domain (natural language processing, argument and data mining)
  • Legal knowledge representation
  • Automatic legal text classification and summarisation
  • Automated information extraction from legal databases and texts
  • Conceptual or model-based legal information retrieval
  • E-government and access to legal information
  • E-democracy and access to legal information