21st St. Gallen International Competition Law Forum

The 21st St.Gallen International Competition Law Forum ICF is going to take place on 15 and 16 May 2014.

The keynote speech will be presented by European Commission Vice-President Joaquín Almunia. In addition to him, there will be a selection of renowned speakers from the competition authorities, the judiciary, the practicing bar, the business world and academia. The 2014 speakers will include: Nicolas J. Forwood (Judge, General Court), Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel (President, UOKiK Office of Competition and Consumer Protection), Vincent Martenet (President, Swiss Competition Authority), Jacques Steenbergen (President, Belgian Competition Authority) and Jenni Lukander (Director, Head of Antitrust and Competition Law, Nokia). A full list of confirmed speakers is available online and further high profile speakers will be added shortly.

The full program, which covers a wide range of highly relevant topics, can be found here.  

Registration for the ICF 2014 is now open.