2014 Academy of European Law Summer School

Academy of European Law, European University Institute, Florence
2014 Summer School

The 2014 Summer School on Human Rights Law (16 June – 27 June) comprises a General Course on ‘21st Century Human Rights’ by Harold Hongju Koh (Professor of Law, Yale Law School) and a series of specialized courses on the topic of ‘Freedom of Religion, Secularism and Human Rights’ by leading scholars from universities all over the world. The Summer School will also include two distinguished lectures by Bruno Simma (Judge at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal; former Judge at the International Court of Justice) and Joseph H.H.Weiler (President of the European University Institute).

The 2014 Summer School on the Law of the European Union (30 June – 11 July) comprises a General Course on ‘The Internal Market as a Legal Concept’ by Stephen Weatherill (Jacques Delors Professor of European Law, Somerville College, Oxford University) and a series of specialized courses on the topic of ‘EU Legal Acts: Challenges and Transformations’ by leading scholars and practitioners in the Law of the European Union. The Summer School will also include a distinguished lecture by Marta Cartabia (Judge at the Italian Constitutional Court and Professor of Constitutional Law, Bicocca University in Milan).

2014 Academy of European Law Summer School Brochure

Full details of both courses and the faculty are available on the Academy website.

The application form is available online and the deadline for applications is 10 April 2014.