Call for Papers: Cognitive Sociology, Culture, and International Law
Call for Papers: Cognitive Sociology, Culture, and International Law
iCourts, Centre of Excellence for International Courts, University of Copenhagen
28-29 April 2017
The past few decades have seen growth in behavioural approaches in the social sciences. In this new behavioural revolution, cognitive psychology, behavioural economics, and sociologists of culture have all paid increasing attention to the role of cognition, focusing in the main on decision-making, both with regard to everyday routines and in the context of risk and uncertainty. This third workshop on the sociology of international law aims to break open the study of interactions between various cognitive processes and the formation, interpretation and implementation of international law.
Academics and experts in various stages of their careers are invited to submit abstracts exploring various interactions between sociological cognitive processes and international law.
Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be sent to Sungjoon Cho by 1 November 2016, and must include the author’s name, affiliation, and full contact information.
Decisions regarding inclusion in the workshop program will be sent by 15 December, 2016.
Those presenting will be expected to provide short discussion papers (3,000-4,000 words) by 15 March, 2017.