Call for Papers – International Conference in Switzerland on the UN Security Council

Call for Papers: The United Nations Security Council: Contemporary Threats to its Legitimacy and Performance

The conference organised by the University of St. Gallen will take place from 22 to 25 May 2016 at the Conference Centre Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.

The aim of the conference is critically to take stock of, and to further develop, the debates of the last twenty years regarding the composition and decisionmaking process as well as the substantive work of the UN Security Council (UNSC). In doing so, the conference will take into account recent events and developments in international law and international politics, embed them in the context of the history of the UN, and analyse them using state of the art theoretical frameworks from international legal theory, political science, and political philosophy. Participants are invited to discuss three main topics:

  1. the theoretical and conceptual framework for an examination of the UNSC and its work
  2. the composition and decisionmaking of the UNSC and the ongoing debate regarding its reform
  3. the mandate and substantive work of the UNSC. One of the conference panels is specifically dedicated to contributions of junior scholars.

The deadline for submissions is 29 January 2016

Further information