SFDI – DGIR Joint Conference: “The Law of International Borders”

Every other year, the Société française pour le droit international (SFDI) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationales Recht (DGIR) hold a joint conference. This year, it will be hosted by the University of Louvain (UCL), in Belgium, on “The Law of International Borders”, on 14 and 15 November 2014.

Despite being a classical, if not foundational, issue of international law, this topic is of a renewed interest in this time of globalization and it deserves to be reconsidered anew. The growing number of maritime delimitation disputes, the emergence of new borders in Africa following the birth of new States (Eritrea, South Sudan), the multiplication of disputed territorial situations (Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Kosovo, Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Crimea…), the strengthening of areas controlled by non-State actors (ISIS), the emergence of an extraterritorial regime for the application of human rights, migration issues, the effect of borders on investment law, and, lastly, the profound transformation of the meaning of borders within the European Union – all issues which justify a reappraisal of the law of international borders and which will be discussed during this joint conference. 

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