SSRN Papers – Manchester 2018

14th ESIL Annual Conference – Manchester, 13-15 September 2018:
‘International law and universality’
The Assumption, Not Invention, of Universality Is the Problem
Conference Paper No. 7/2018
Onuma Yasuaki
L’accès aux ressources génétiques marines issues d’espaces situés hors des zones de juridiction nationale des États Passé, présent, futur (The Access to Marine Genetic Resources in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Past, Present, Future)
Conference Paper No. 8/2018
Valérie Wyssbrod
Wars of National Liberation and the Disruption of Hegemony in 1974
Conference Paper No. 9/2018
Pål Wrange
Drafting for Universality: The Covenant and The Charter
Conference Paper No. 10/2018
Nigel D. White
Reform of Investment Dispute Settlement and Developments in EU Investment Law: Is There Any Future for Investment Treaty Arbitration in Europe? Some Comments in the Light of Achmea Decision
Conference Paper No. 11/2018
Pavel Sturma
Pacta Sunt Servanda As the Intersubjective but Universal Principle: Oppenheim’s Common Consent Within the Family of Nations
Conference Paper No. 12/2018
Hirofumi Oguri
A Retreat from Universality in International Environmental Law? Law’s Limbo between Universality and Particularity
Conference Paper No. 13/2018
Maiko Meguro
Why International Lawyers Would Be Better Off Without the Concept of Personality
Conference Paper No. 14/2018
Astrid Kjeldgaard-Pedersen
The ‘Disappearing Island State’ Phenomenon. A Challenge to the Universality of the International Law of the Sea
Conference Paper No. 15/2018
Eduardo Jiménez Pineda
The Multilateral Investment Court: A Stumbling Block for Comprehensive and Sustainable Investment Law Reform
Conference Paper No. 16/2018
Rhea Tamara Hoffmann
Inculcating International Law: the Textbook as Gateway
Conference Paper No. 17/2018
Gleider Hernandez
Decentering the Universal: Comparative International Law and Decolonizing Critique
Conference Paper No. 18/2018
Miriam Bak McKenna
International Organizations and the Dream of Universal Legal Systems
Conference Paper No. 19/2018
Lorenzo Gasbarri