IMPORTANT UPDATE – 17th ESIL Annual Conference in Utrecht

The Organising Committee of the 17th ESIL Annual Conference regrets to announce that online participation to the main conference is not possible anymore. Unfortunately, the number of registrations for online

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IMPORTANT UPDATE – 17th ESIL Annual Conference in Utrecht

The Organising Committee of the 17th ESIL Annual Conference regrets to announce that online participation to the main conference is not possible anymore. Unfortunately, the number of registrations for online

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Ateliers de groupes de réflexion à la Conférence annuelle 2022 à Utrecht

Dans le cadre de la 17e conférence annuelle de l’ESIL à Utrecht, les groupes de réflexion ESIL organiseront leurs ateliers le mercredi 31 août et le jeudi 1er septembre. Veuillez

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