ESIL Research Forum – Amsterdam, 23-25 May 2013: “International Law as a Profession”


Crimes Against Humanity and the Armed Conflict Nexus: From Nuremberg to the ICC
Conference Paper No. 1/2013
Hirad Abtahi


The Government of Uganda, the ICC Arrest Warrants for the LRA Leaders and the Juba Peace Talks: 2006-2008
Conference Paper No. 2/2013
Kasaija Phillip Apuuli


Navigating the Tension between Effective and Efficient Legal Counseling and Respecting the Formal Rules of the Tribunals: What Compass to Use?
Conference Paper No. 3/2013
Gentian Zyberi


Multidisciplinary Reflections on the Relationship between Professionals and The(ir) International Law
Conference Paper No. 4/2013
Ingo Venzke


The ‘Invisible College of International Lawyers’ Forty Years Later
Conference Paper No. 5/2013
Santiago Villalpando


The Limitations of International Law Expertise – War Amongst Peacemakers: The Juba Peace Process as Battleground for International Lawyer’s Biases
Conference Paper No. 6/2013
Pål Wrange


The Inevitable Convergence of the US and the EU on the Protection of Foreign Investments – BITs, PTAs, and Incomplete Contracts
Conference Paper No. 7/2013
Filippo Fontanelli and Giuseppe Bianco 


National Judges and International Law: To Be (An Independent Judge) or Not to Be?
Conference Paper No. 8/2013
Sharon Weill


The Intersecting Professions of the International Law Adviser and Diplomat in a Rising Asia
Conference Paper No. 9/2013
Sarah McCosker


L’évolution des fonctions du juge pénal international et le développement du droit international humanitaire (The Evolution of the Functions of International Criminal Courts and the Development of International Humanitarian Law)
Conference Paper No. 10/2013
Jérôme de Hemptinne


The International Law Bar: Essence Before Existence?
Conference Paper No. 11/2013
James Crawford