Previews of new International Law titles from Oxford University Press


The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and its Optional Protocol (Second Edition)
Edited by Patricia Schulz, Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, Beate Rudolf, and Marsha A. Freeman

This is the extensively revised and updated second edition of the ground-breaking commentary on the most important women’s rights instrument. This new edition includes analysis of all decisions on individual complaints, inquiry reports, and general recommendations adopted since 2010, and includes recent developments such as the COVID-19 pandemic, SDGs, climate change and human rights, violence against women, the backlash against women’s human rights, and intersectionality.

Read a preview on Oxford Academic.

For more information and to order a copy visit the OUP website.


War and Justice in the 21st Century: A Case Study on the International Criminal Court and its Interaction with the War on Terror
By Luis Moreno Ocampo

This is the inside story of the International Criminal Court, one of the most innovative international institutions, from the unique perspective of its first Chief Prosecutor. Arguing that there is no chaos, just complexity, Moreno Ocampo produces an interdisciplinary analysis of his decisions, describing a “fragmented” international legal system’s operation and the relationships between legal and political decisions. This book aims to help new generations to manage violence with new ways of legal and political thinking.

Read a preview on Oxford Academic.

For more information and to order a copy visit the OUP website


The Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law (Second Edition)
Edited by Daniel Bethlehem, Donald McRae, Rodney Neufeld, and Isabelle Van Damme

This Handbook considers the system of international trade law and what it means for States, for economic systems, for other international regimes, for civil society, and for human welfare. The second edition broadens the scope of analysis beyond the WTO, examining regional trade agreements and preferential trade arrangements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and Canada-EU Trade Agreement. The new edition also considers developments within the WTO such as in the area of agricultural export subsidies, and the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

Read a preview on Oxford Academic.

For more information and to order a copy visit the OUP website.



This announcement is from Oxford University Press, an ESIL Institutional Member