Despite the increasing importance of seeking to facilitate European-wide discussions of key issues in this field, there was previously no forum in which to pursue these goals on a Europe-wide basis. This was the case notwithstanding the large number of international lawyers in Europe and the significant number of international law associations at the national level.
The founding meeting was convened in Florence on 26-27 May 2001 on the initiative of the editors of the European Journal of International Law (Philip Alston, Antonio Cassese, Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Bruno Simma, and Joseph Weiler) in conjunction with Prof Hanspeter Neuhold of the University of Vienna. The meeting was held at the European University Institute, a venue which, as a European institution, underscored the initiative’s independence from any single national grouping. The activities of the Society have been generously funded by the Academy of European Law at the European University Institute, and strongly supported by the board and staff of the European Journal of International Law.